Working with young people

Webinar recording: Music education for under-18s and adult leisure-time music

In this recording of our webinar (original event 23 September 2022), guest speakers discussed the national plans for music education in the UK nations.

We welcomed:

Webinar recording: Social prescribing – what is it and is it for your music group?

In this recording of our webinar (original event 20 May 2022), guest speakers discussed what social prescribing is and how it could be a huge opportunity for music groups. 

Social prescribing is a key feature of the NHS’ long-term plan, which aims to strengthen the link between the local community and social activities such as music, sport, and arts. In this webinar, we discussed who does the prescribing, what kind of people are referred and what it would mean for your group to become ‘social prescribing friendly’.

We welcomed:

Tackling barriers to access and inclusion (online event)

Creating an event or activity that is accessible, welcoming and inclusive of everyone starts with one big question: what are the barriers that would exclude someone from taking part? People who experience barriers to making and enjoying music are more likely to be disabled, from an ethnic minority, have a mental or physical health condition or be in challenging socio-economic circumstances. How can you identify the barriers that exclude people from taking part in your group's events and activities, or stop people being included when they experience a change of circumstance?


United Kingdom

Webinar recording: The challenges of recruiting and retaining volunteers

In this recording of our webinar (original event 18 March 2022), a panel of guest speakers discussed the challenges of recruiting and retaining volunteers, particularly in the context of the pandemic.

Volunteers are difficult to come by – increasing regulation, rising retirement ages, less regular working hours and less stable working lives have probably contributed to fewer people volunteering.

Website Health Check – is yours in shape?

Ever wonder how you could enhance your group's online presence? Can't remember the last time your website received a good spring-clean? Never fear, our brand new Website Health Check is here!

An exciting new tool specially developed for member groups, our Health Check is designed to help you find out if you are making the most of your group's site, or whether it can be improved. The tool also assesses how effective your group’s website may be in helping you to recruit new members.

Growing your membership: performing groups (online event)

Many groups have told us that they want to be able to recruit more members, and in particular, to engage better with younger people. Thanks to a legacy left to us by Pauline Thompson, we’ve been able to develop a bank of ideas that can help!

Come along and find out more about the research we’ve done, how you can use it to help your group reach more people of all ages, and how you can still engage with new people even with social distancing guidelines in place.


United Kingdom

Online safeguarding

As music groups rise to the digital challenge and find innovative ways to move the musical and social aspect of their groups to an online space, it’s important they remember the responsibilities they have to their members too.

Making the most of your online presence (online event)



This event is currently full, however we are running this event on other dates which still have availability:

Saturday 13 June, 10am to 12pm

Due to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, and following advice from the government on minimising social contact, Making Music has taken the decision to host this event online using Zoom.


United Kingdom

Growing your membership - with a focus on under 35s (online event)



This event is currently full, however we are running this event on other dates which still have availability:

Wednesday 3 June, 1.30pm to 3.30pm


Due to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, and following advice from the government on minimising social contact, Making Music has taken the decision to host this event online using Zoom.


United Kingdom

The millennial gap: Tips for recruiting younger members

Struggling to recruit younger members? In this guidance, reprinted from the Autumn 2016 issue of Highnotes, Making Music’s Youth Engagement Manager Xenia Davis has some suggestions.

The biggest barrier to young people joining music groups isn’t repertoire, or classical music being perceived as ‘stuffy’, or the age profile of the group.