
Displaying 1 - 12 of 36 results
Case studies
Peterborough Sings! has designed and evolved an effective model for recruiting new people into singing, with their project-based...
Case studies
Peter Morris, Music Director of Wolverhampton Symphony Orchestra and former Chair of Wolverhampton City Music Education Hub, tells us...
Case studies
Heather Marsh, Chair of Wetherby Choral Society, describes how her group worked with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for their...
Case studies
Sophie Anderson, Publicity Officer of Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra (SPO) tells us how the orchestra has managed to successfully...
Guidance, Case studies, Video/audio, Open resource
In this recording of our webinar (original event 25 September 2023), Making Music launched INCLUDE, our 18-month inclusion programme...
Case studies
Joanna Burdett, chair of Llysfaen Singers, tells us how, by making small changes over time, the choir have managed to successfully...
Case studies
Dr Alice Carter, treasurer of Henley Symphony Orchestra, explains how claiming Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) has bridged the income gap...
Case studies
Andrea Lee, chair of Barnes Concert Band, tells us how connecting with other music groups and organisations within their local...
Case studies, Open resource
How Basingstoke Ladies' Choir transformed their communication and strengthened their community — Hazel Green shares their...
Case studies
Tim Davis of Birmingham Festival Choral Society tells us how his group go about organising their own tours. Tell us a little bit...
Guidance, Case studies
We hear from groups about how they have managed to put on risk-assessed, COVID-secure performances for their audiences.Putting on a...
Case studies, Open resource
The pandemic has thrown all kinds of challenges in the way of group music making. However, our member groups have found ways to...