MM Platform Comms: Emails, SMS, and more (online event)


About the event:

Join our Platform Support Officer as he demonstrates how to best use Comms in the MM Platform: setting up email addresses and mailing lists, notifying members about documents/events, using SMS, and more.

Once you are comfortable using the MM Platform’s communication systems, you will find it much easier to interact with your members and keep them in the loop. This event will focus primarily on two areas: (1) The email system (2) SMS/announcements/other.

1. Emails are a powerful and ubiquitous communication method. By learning how to set up email address, mailing lists, and edit default emails, you will have much more control over how members interact with the MM Platform.

2. We will then cover the other communication tools the MM Platform has to offer: SMS, Announcements, Suggestions, Testimonials.


For this event we will be demonstrating the MM Platform (screen share) throughout the majority of the event; this will include 1 hour of demonstration and up to 30 minutes for questions.


We'll talk about:

  • Creating and using email addresses using the Position system
  • Creating and using Mailing Lists
  • Ways to send emails through the MM Platform (notifying members of new documents, Newsletters, availability reminders, and many more)
  • Seeing previously sent emails
  • Updating default emails
  • SMS usage
  • Announcements
  • Suggestions and Testimonials

There will be an opportunity to ask questions via the chat function during the event.


Who this event is for: Only members who are already using the Making Music Platform Service 

As our events are in high demand, we are requesting that only one person per group books to attend, to allow as many different groups as possible to benefit.

Cost: FREE for members and non-members

We will be using Zoom to host the meeting, and will email you the joining link two days and again two hours before the event is due to start.


Please read the event information below before reserving your place.

Reserve your tickets now


Recording information:
We will be recording this event

•    We will usually record in speaker view, meaning only people who speak will be recorded

•    If you speak, your image and voice will be captured in the recording

•    Attendee names as displayed in a Zoom meeting will not be captured in the recording

•    If you do not want your live image to be captured, you may turn off your camera during the event. However, please be aware that if you do, your name will be displayed in place of your image, unless you have uploaded an image to your profile in Zoom

•    Breakout rooms will not normally be recorded

•    Your comments in the chat box will not form part of the recording


By booking a place and attending this event, you consent to being recorded in this way.

Inclusivity statement:

We aim to make our events as inclusive as possible. If you have any particular accessibility requirements or if there is anything else we can do to help make the event a better experience for you, please let us know.


Cancellation policy:

Making Music reserves the right to cancel an event due to low attendance numbers, adverse weather conditions or other circumstances which make it no longer possible to run the event. If you have booked a place and Making Music cancels the event, we will offer you a full refund where applicable.

8th October, 2024 from  2:00 PM to  3:30 PM
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