case study

Case study: Haverhill name change

Martin Waldron, of member group Haverhill Singers, explains how they approached changing the group name in order to recruit new members.


We are a non-auditioning choral society of around 50 singers, founded in 1860. The aim of the Society is to perform choral music of many genres in and around Haverhill, Suffolk for two reasons.

Case study: Get your community connected online

Simon O’Hea from member group The Renaissance Choir explains how he set up Music in Portsmouth (MiP), a local classical music news and listings website designed to help connect music groups and to increase interest in regional events and music group.

You may not necessarily have the time or knowledge that Simon had to set up a resource like this but someone in your group might do. If you haven’t already, ask your members about their skills and interests and whether they could help, or might know a web developer. 

Collaboration case study: Opal Flutes and Peckham Rye Sings

Sharon Moloney of member group Opal Flutes explains how teaming up with another group gave them an opportunity to experience repertoire that would otherwise be off-limits.

Ingredients of a successful participatory workshop

The North London Chorus chose one of the hottest days of the summer to come together for a ‘Sing, Work and Listen’ day on this less familiar Handel masterpiece.