Adopt a Music Creator 2025 application form - music creators

Adopt a Music Creator is run by Making Music and funded by PRS Foundation and the Philip and Dorothy Green Music Trust. 

To apply, please complete and submit this form. The form aims to be user-friendly while giving us the information we need. If you have any questions about this form or need it in a different format (e.g. a word doc), please contact Harriet Laidler on 020 7939 6030,

We are looking for music creators who: 

  • can show they understand how to collaborate on a musical project  
  • can show they understand and perhaps have some practical experience of working with a leisure-time group or community project in any capacity 
  • have original and ambitious ideas 
  • can explain why they want to take part now and how they would benefit from the scheme 

You are eligible to apply if you are: 

  • over 18 years old 
  • not in full or part-time education for the duration of the project 
  • based in the UK for the whole time of the project (one year) 
  • have less than five years of professional practice in creating new music (can be non-continuous i.e. including career breaks or time away from creating new music). This is not an age restriction. 

The deadline for applications is 5pm, Monday 21 October 2024. Please read the full project information before filling in this application form.

Your details


Where in the UK will you be based during the project? 

There is no right or wrong answer, we would just like to know so we can make sensible matches between music groups and music creators in terms of where they are based. Please provide the name of your nearest town or a full postode. 

Your experience as a music creator
In this section you can either submit your answers to the next four questions in video or audio format, or you can answer them in writing.

If you would like to submit your answers as audio or video, please do so in no more than six minutes in total of yourself talking – please ensure you answer each question clearly, and submit a link in the box below for us to access the recording. 

Please do not send files or Dropbox links, but instead provide links to a website where we can access the material via a streaming service e.g. Vimeo, YouTube or your own website. Please provide any relevant passwords for private files.

1. Please tell us about yourself and your musical interests. What inspires you as a music creator? Maximum 150 words (or submit your answer as a video or audio recording - please see above for instructions).

2. Why do you want to take part in Adopt a Music Creator? Why is now the right time and how will you benefit from the project? Maximum 250 words (or submit your response as a video or audio recording - please see above for instructions).

3. What experience do you have working with leisure-time groups or on community projects? How do you understand collaboration when it comes to creating a music piece with these types of groups? Maximum 250 words (or submit your response as a video or audio recording - please see above for instructions).

4. TAKING POSITIVE ACTION: We want to make sure that everyone with the right potential has a fair chance to be seen for a project at Making Music. Taking positive action means prioritising an individual from a protected group over another individual where that group is under-represented, and the candidates are of equal merit. It is permitted under the 2010 Equality Act. Where we have to decide between candidates of equal merit for interview, the panel will refer to the answers to this question and take positive action to include those who have experienced a barrier previously on the final interview shortlist.

Tell us about any barriers you may have faced in the past to accessing projects or opportunities like Adopt a Music Creator. If you identify as being under-represented in the sector, due to a protected characteristic (e.g. gender, ethnicity, being D/deaf, disabled or neurodivergent) and/or other identity (e.g. socio-economic background), we encourage you to let us know in your application. Maximum 150 words.

So we can ensure gender equality in the selection, please answer this question.

We are looking for emerging music creators with less than five years of professional practice in creating new music. How long in total have you been working professionally as a music creator? (can be non-continuous i.e. including career breaks or time away from creating new music) Maximum 100 words, please explain below how you fit this criterion.

Your music

Please list below the works in your showcase edit in order, you can also list some of your full works not in your showcase edit.

Title*instruments /voices*Year written*YouTube/SoundCloud link to recording*Published?*Is it in this 2 minute showcase?*
Music ensembles you have written for/worked with
Please tell us about the groups or bands you have written music for or worked with in the last 4 years.
Name of group/band*Type of group*Date from (month and year)*Date to (month and year)*Your role in the group/band, e.g., music creator, music director, participant, performer*
Other commitments 2025

Please outline any other major commitments for the duration of the project (from January 2025 up to December 2025) that may affect your availability.

Privacy statement

We will use the information you provide in this form to assess your application and communicate with you about your application. This will include passing the information to the Adopt a Music Creator mentors and our partner organisations, Sound and Music and the PRS Foundation. The information will not be used for any other purpose.

Please see:
